Wednesday, May 28, 2008

S. again


Thyaguh said...

oi bom nao sei se vc vai conseguir ler assim mas se nao traduz do portugues para ingles adorei sua fotos otimas e ficou muito seu bolg ok .. xau...

Мilena said...

sorry that i don't understand your language, i'll try to find someone to translate this...:}}}}

Glo said...

He sais that he does not know if you will be able to read his note, because he can not translate it from Poruguese to English. He likes your perfect photographs and want you to know that he finds your blog OK.

I hope this double translation is OK too...


Мilena said...

mucho gracias Thyaguh, Glo!!!!
I,m not sure if this is written correct :}}}}